UCO/Lick Instrument Lab

Heros of the Instrument Lab
(Click here for highest resolution...could be slow!)
Instrument makers (front row left) Erich Horn ("Retired Guy"), Gary Dorst, Dick Kanto,
(back left) Jeff Lewis (Supervisor), Terry Pfister, Jim Ward
in front of the DEIMOS spectrograph currently being built in the Lick Instrument Lab.
This crew is responsible for the excellent quality high-precision machining, welding, assembly, and alignment of the World-class astronomical instruments that are produced here at UCO/Lick Observatory Labs.
Milling about in the "Age of Computers"
UCO/Lick Observatory Instrument Lab
Lower Astronomy Building
Santa Cruz, California 95064
If you want to: Praise, deride, send $$$, or just say "hi", then send mail to LOIS@ucolick.org